Thursday, 7 December 2023

Patient Safety Evidence Update December 2023

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Patient Safety
Evidence Update

December 2023

1. Patient Safety articles
2. NHS / Government Publications
3. Other patient safety publications
4. Statistics 

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Latest Patient Safety articles from PubMed

Safety culture survey among medical residents in Japan: a nationwide cross-sectional study

Blackbox error management: how do practices deal with critical incidents in everyday practice? A qualitative interview study

Perception of nudge interventions to mitigate medication errors risk in healthcare service delivery

The effect of electronic error-reporting forms on nurse's stress and the rate of error-reporting

Medication errors related to high-alert medications in a paediatric university hospital - a cross-sectional study analysing error reporting system data

Perception of patient safety culture among nursing students: A cross-sectional study

Perioperative Environment Safety Culture: A Scoping Review Addressing Safety Culture, Climate, Enacting Behaviors, and Enabling Factors

Sustaining a culture of safety and optimising patient outcomes while implementing zero harm programme: a 2-year project of the nursing services - SBAHC

Factors determining safety culture in hospitals: a scoping review

Risk factors predicting hospital-acquired pressure injury in adult patients: An overview of reviews

Patient safety discourse in a pandemic: a Twitter hashtag analysis study on #PatientSafety

Impacts of Huddle Intervention on the Patient Safety Culture of Medical Team Members in Medical Ward: One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design

Effectiveness and feasibility of an interprofessional training program to improve patient safety-A cluster-randomized controlled pilot study

Is there evidence that length-based tapes with precalculated drug doses increase the accuracy of drug dose calculations in children? A systematic review

What do parents think about the quality and safety of care provided by hospitals to children and young people with an intellectual disability? A qualitative study using thematic analysis

Nurses' experience with presenteeism and the potential consequences on patient safety: a qualitative study among nurses at out-of-hours emergency primary care facilities

Improving patient safety governance and systems through learning from successes and failures: qualitative surveys and interviews with international experts

Inpatient Falls and Orthopaedic Injuries in Elderly Patients: A Retrospective Cohort Analysis From a Falls Register

How Safety Culture Surveys Influence the Quality and Safety of Healthcare Organisations

Prevalence, contributing factors, and interventions to reduce medication errors in outpatient and ambulatory settings: a systematic review
NHS / Government Publications

Department of Health & Social Care

David Fuller inquiry: phase 1 report

Duty of candour review: terms of reference

Thirlwall Inquiry: terms of reference

Independent Care (Education) and Treatment Reviews: final report, 2023

Safety warnings to be provided to all patients with every valproate-containing medicine they receive under new law

The NHS England (Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch) Directions 2022

The NHS England (Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch) (Revocation, Transitional and Saving Provision) Directions 2023

The Care Quality Commission (Maternity and Newborn Safety Investigation Programme) Directions 2023

Disagreements in the care of critically ill children

Health and Safety Executive

Priory Healthcare fined following patient death

Three companies fined after engineer electrocuted in hospital kitchen

House of Commons

Infant mortality and health inequalities

Duties to report child abuse in England

The investigation of stillbirth


Inpatient falls and fractures – 2023 NAIF report on 2022 clinical data

MBRRACE-UK: Saving Lives, Improving Mothers’ Care State of the Nation Surveillance report

MBRRACE-UK: Saving Lives, Improving Mothers’ Care State of the Nation Themed report

MBRRACE-UK: Saving Lives, Improving Mothers’ Care State of the Nation Themed report

Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency

Valproate: review of safety data and expert advice on management of risks

MHRA instructs health organisations to prepare now for new measures to reduce ongoing serious harms of valproate

National Patient Safety Alert: Valproate: organisations to prepare for new regulatory measures for oversight of prescribing to new patients and existing female patients (NatPSA/2023/013/MHRA)

NHS England

The Learn from Patient Safety Events (LFPSE) Service – patient and family discovery report

NHS Providers

Learning Disabilities Mortality Review report 2022

UK Covid-19 Inquiry public hearings: module 2, week 1 (03 - 06 October 2023)

UK Covid-19 Inquiry public hearings: module 2, week 2 (09-13 October 2023)

UK Covid-19 Inquiry public hearings: module 2, week 3 (16-19 October 2023)

UK Covid-19 Inquiry public hearings: module 2, week 4 (30 October-2 November 2023)

UK Covid-19 Inquiry public hearings: module 2, week 5 (6 November - 9 November 2023)

UK Covid-19 Inquiry public hearings: module 2, week 6 (20 November - 23 November 2023)

UK Covid-19 Inquiry public hearings: module 2, week 7 (27 November - 1 December)

Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO)

Spotlight on sepsis: your stories, your rights report

Complaints to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman, 2022-23
Other patient safety publications


State of Care 2022/23

IR(ME)R annual report 2022/23


“I love the NHS, but…”: Preventing needless harms caused by poor communications in the NHS


Investigation report: Continuity of care: delayed diagnosis in GP practices

Risks to medication delivery using ambulatory infusion pumps: design and usability in inpatient settings

Caring for adults with a learning disability in acute hospitals

Safety management systems: an introduction for healthcare

Institute for Healthcare Improvement

Overlooking Diagnostic Errors: The Grave Potential Consequences for Patient Safety

Leading a Culture of Safety: A Blueprint for Success

Kings College London

Learning from Lives and Deaths - people with a learning disability and autistic people (LeDeR) - 2022 report

The King's Fund

Culture and regulation: the necessary partnership for quality and safety (blog)
Statistics & data

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